Hartford High: Easter Prayer Space & Service

Hartford CE High School celebrated Easter before the end of term with a Prayer Space and Service.

Our Ethos Ambassadors have helped to create an Interactive Easter Prayer Space in the School Chapel this week. Open throughout this week. Students and staff alike were encouraged to walk through Holy Week, reflecting upon different elements of the whole Easter Experience, from Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, The Garden of Gethsemane, The Cross, The Resurrection on Easter Sunday and through to the Great Commission.

Along the way there were opportunities, to read, reflect, creatively interact and to pray. We trust that this helped to bring the greatest story ever told alive for all who came.

Our students led a beautiful Easter Service at our partner church, St John’s in Hartford. Accompanied by our school orchestra, we had songs, a solo, readings, prayers and a lovely Palm Sunday reflection. This was a beautiful way to commence Holy Week.


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